Instructions on How to Submit Payment:
You may pay for Purchase Orders (POs) via credit card, PayPal, or mailing us a check. If mailing a check, please read below under “Payment Method” on how to send us a check. Please note that your order will not go into production until we receive payment for the order, unless NET terms are approved. Please read below under “Payment Terms” on how NET terms work and are approved. The delivery date on the order may be subject to change based on when payment is received, or NET terms are approved (if applicable).
Instructions on How to Submit a Valid Purchase Order:
If you are a school, government organisation, or institution please email us an official PO to with your order number clearly written on the PO. Once we receive the PO, our Sales Management will further review your submission and contact you within 48 hours on processing your order.
Once a digital proof has been approved (if applicable) and we receive payment for the PO, or NET terms are approved (if applicable), your order will go into production.
Your Purchase Order Must Contain the Following Details:
- PO Number
- Order Number (if order has already been submitted on our website)
- Contact Information (email address and phone number of the person responsible for approving the proof, if applicable)
- Contact Information (email address and phone number of the person responsible for completing payment when due)
Additional Information:
- Payment Terms: All POs are required to be paid upfront before we begin processing your order. If approved by our Sales Management, we may grant NET terms. NET terms vary for each PO. For granted NET terms, payment is due within the specified NET days from the date of shipment.
- Payment Method: You may pay by credit card, PayPal, or check. All checks must be mailed to us at the mailing address listed below. If you are sending us a check, please ensure you have the correct respective order number and PO number mentioned on the Memo of the check. All checks must be payable to Vertical Brands LLC.
Mailing Address:
Mail all checks to the address listed below
Vertical Brands
16107 Kensington Dr
Suite 314
Sugar Land, TX 77479
- Orders that are not paid within approved NET terms (if applicable for PO) will be subject to a collection fee of 20% on top of the original order amount.
- Click here to view Terms and Conditions